Moroccan oil
February 12, 2023

Self-improvement isn’t just about what you do to your inside but also what you do outside. Here is a product from my affiliate partner, Amazon, that can help you improve your hair. Click the title to learn more.

woman drinking tea
February 1, 2023

Looking for the latest gossip? Well, it certainly isn’t here. We’re all about leveling up on this blog. So , what tea am I talking about? Click the title to learn more.

bone broth diet
September 22, 2022

One of the toughest things about losing weight is fighting off the cravings that make you over eat. What if there was something that could curb these cravings so that you can lose weight? You may want to check out some of these products by my affiliate partner, Dr. Kellyann.Click the title to learn more.

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My Self-Care Journey

The photo of me on the left was back in 2019 at my son’s high school graduation. I was developing the ultimate mom bod. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy with how I looked on the outside or how I felt on the inside.

At the start of this blog in 2020, I was determined to start my journey to self-improvement. As I wrote articles to encourage you on your journey, I was also working on myself.

Along with exercise and many of the affiliate products I promote on this site, I’ve been on my transformation since then. The photo on the right is a recent one. I still have a while to go to meet my goals, but I’m getting closer each day.

Join me on the self-improvement journey by following my blog and browsing some of my affiliate partner products in my self-care storefront.

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Choice Affiliate Product


A conceptual graphic of hands holding digital world globe, symbolizing global connection and technology

Do you ever ponder the meaning of life? Do you wonder how life began? If you find yourself asking these questions a lot lately, my affiliate partner, Gaia, can help you discover answers and achieve a more meaningful life through their subscription program.

Click the image above to access their site via my affiliate link so I can get credit for referring you.


FTC Affiliate Marketing Disclosure

***I must disclose that I have a monetary arrangement with these affiliates and make money from promoting affiliate products. I get credit for referring you to the products on this blog. Please take a moment to click the images and links to the products I have included so that upon purchasing your products, it alerts my affiliates that I am the one who referred you. Also, don’t forget to ACCEPT cookies. I appreciate your support and hope these products enhance your life.***