Do you want to know a simple reason why you are not manifesting the way you should be? It is because you are confusing your subconscious. Yes! You are causing your manifestations to slow down or stop altogether. Click the title to learn more.
Do you want to know a simple reason why you are not manifesting the way you should be? It is because you are confusing your subconscious. Yes! You are causing your manifestations to slow down or stop altogether. Click the title to learn more.
Believe it or not, the higher your vibration, the more you can achieve success. It’s hard to attract good things to you if you are full of doubt, despair, and other negativity. Vibrating higher can help you improve your attraction power and increase the chances of receiving your manifestation. Click the title to learn more.
There could be tons of negative residual energy in your environment from people who’ve previously lived in your home or from negative people who frequent your home. To remove this bad energy, you can use sage. Click the title to learn more.
Do you have negative energy around you? Salt can help clear it from your environment and your person. Click the title to learn more.
Your mind may be running on auto-pilot from stuff that’s been floating around in it for years. That’s probably one of the reasons why you can’t seem to manifest. Getting rid of clutter isn’t something you should only do in your home. If you have clutter in your brain, it’s time to get rid of it. Click the title to learn more.