New Month, New You – Elevating to The Highest Vibration to Magnetize Your Desires

You may hear a lot about expressing gratitude or being thankful for all that you have in order to manifest your desires with the least amount of resistance.

But do you know what other feeling can improve your manifesting power?


I know it sounds corny but love is the ultimate surrendering feeling in the universe and if you can feel surrender, you can certainly allow for the universe to move in quickly and get work done so that you can manifest your desires.

Self Love Is Attractive

Love of all kinds is great but here, I want to focus on one particular type of love that many of us either forget about or shun because we think its selfish. The love that is conducive to strong manifestation is self-love, believe it or not.

Many of us think self-love is wrong because many religions of the world teach that you should focus on outward love. However, without loving yourself first, how can you really have a healthy love affair with anything or anyone?

You Might Think You Love Yourself, But…

Some people think that they love themselves unconditionally already. However, do you crack jokes about how fat you are or how ugly you are or compare yourself to other?

Do you call yourself stupid when you do something wrong? Are you unnecessarily hard on yourself when you want to achieve your goals?

Believe it or not, these are forms of self-sabotage and self hate and though they seem subtle, they are programming your subconscious to hate yourself.

Perhaps, you grew up in an environment where love simply wasn’t expressed or there were critical parents and family members around. Or maybe you are a loving person but you keep attracting significant others that are very terrible to you.

All of this is tolerating abuse and these types of things lower self worth.

Low Self-Worth Won’t Magnetize Your Desires

When you want to manifest your desires using the law of attraction, if your self-love or self-worth is low, you are giving vibes to the universe that you don’t deserve what you are seeking.

Elevating your self-love will allow you to stop getting into horrible relationships with terrible people, it will allow you to be courageous, it will allow you to be a leader, and it will allow you to treat yourself right.

If you show yourself a little more consideration and love then the universe will add more of this to your life by sending things into your life that show this same type of love and compassion and consideration.

If you keep allowing that inner critic to tear yourself down, the universe will keep sending people into your life who will do the same.

Ignore Your Inner Critic

Instead of allowing the inner critic to tear you down and devalue your self worth, from now on, when you are critical of yourself, STOP. You are learning and growing and you have to have as much compassion for yourself as you would have for friends, family, strangers, or others who are suffering.

Become your own best friend instead of your own worst enemy. The more you do this, the better you will feel about your outlook on life and you will feel that you truly deserve the good things that you have asked the universe to send your way.

And don’t just stop with loving yourself. Keep the vibration high by showing more love and compassion for your spouse, your children, your pets, strangers, co-workers.

Try this for at least 21 days to make it a habit and soon you will realize a shift in your life. If you get back on the path of self-criticism or even being cynical to others, STOP.

Start over and force yourself to get into the habit of seeing the positive and choosing love. But it starts with you loving yourself.

Are You Ready To Use Self-Love To Attract What You Want?

Will you start to love yourself so that you can attract better things into your life? What are your thoughts on using this method?  Post a comment in the comment section.

Try this method over the next thirty days in order to make it a habit. Then, come back and share what your experiences have been in the comments. By then, I will have another mystical technique for success in the next post for New Month, New You.

Don’t forget to view other posts like this on this blog page and follow me on Instagram.

My latest e-book, The Missing Link, is now available.  This e-book covers topics similar to those introduced in the “New Month, New You” blog, designed to help you get out of your rut and get on with your new life.  For more details, click on the cover image below:

Cover Design Missing Link

Image courtesy of 164665485 © Alexandra Barbu |

Disclaimer: This blog article is the opinion of the author. It is not meant to take the place of professional advice.

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The photo of me on the left was back in 2019 at my son’s high school graduation. I was developing the ultimate mom bod. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy with how I looked on the outside or how I felt on the inside.

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