New Month, New You – Getting Rid of Toxicity At All Costs

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know that the main focus is self-improvement with the goal of increasing our ability to manifest the things we want.

I want to take some time to really focus on a topic that is dear to my heart because I have so much experience with it. This is the subject of toxicity.

Toxicity can be present anywhere. In your home, in your workplace, among your best friends, within families, and even with your romantic partner.

You may not realize it but part of the reason you may not be able to level up and attract a better life than you currently have could be because of the people around you.

It could also be the things that you are allowing into your body whether it is negative information or programming, bad food, or too much of something that is inappropriate.

Repetitive Cycles Continue When You Don’t Heal

It’s crazy but sometimes you will pray for a situation but since you really haven’t taken time to heal, you get that thing and it brings you just as much remorse or unhappiness as other things in your past.

This is especially true in relationships. You may pray for that man or woman to sweep you off your feet and the universe sends someone and that person who seems to drag you to the depths of hell.

You often wonder why is it that this person who seems so perfect for you seems to be interfering with your purpose, your peace, and your happiness.

This is because there are some parts of yourself that aren’t balanced or healed and you will keep attracting more of the same until you heal. Even if that person seems perfect, they probably are just a wolf in sheep clothing.

Sometimes You Have to Go The Road Less Travelled

Being alone is one of the hardest things to do but sometimes you need alone time to reflect on who you are and what you really want. Not only things, but you also need to reflect on what you won’t settle for anymore. This last point is the most critical.

If you are tired of being bullied, verbally abused, misled, intentionally hurt, and more, you have to decide that enough is enough and stop these negative cycles in your life.

You can’t keep letting people come into your world and destroy your peace of mind all in the name of that person is “fine,” or “beautiful” or “has it all together.”

You aren’t someone’s punching bag. Nor should you be with a significant other who specializes in tearing you down to make sure they control you or feel good about themselves.

The longer you stay in situations that don’t serve you or propel you toward your better self, you spiral into an endless battle of pain, self-doubt, lack of confidence, and hurt.

This can even lead to intoxication or “self-medicating” the pain away. You have to realize that the only person in life that is going to save you is you.

The universe will help but since we have free will, the universe will only intercede if you allow it to help save you. But you first have to want to be saved.

Nothing outside of you will make you feel wonderful about yourself but you. You have to be your own best friend and the more you rely on validation from the outside, you will always be at the mercy of people who don’t have your best interest at heart.

Minimize or Eliminate Negative, Toxic People From Your Life

So as you continue on your journey to manifestation, keep in mind that toxic people and things will only keep you further and further away from who you want to be.

Whether it’s your parent, your child, your spouse, your boss, or anyone else in your life, recognize them for the energy vampires that they are and start to distance yourself away from their behavior.

You will not be able to improve yourself if you keep these people in your ear burdening you with their problems and cutting you down every chance they get.

I’m not encouraging you to ditch these people entirely because I do realize that some of these people probably live in your house. But you can’t continue to be their crutch for toxic behavior.

As these people do toxic things and try to involve you in toxicity like gossip and hopeless talk, politely move on to something more productive so that you won’t block your blessings.

Try It For Yourself

Toxicity is one of the number one ways that blessings are blocked or slowed because no matter how positive you are, a toxic environment will continue to drag you down with it.

I encourage you to do other things than sit around listening to toxic people puke their problems and drama all over you. Minimize talking to them and instead start working out or doing things to keep yourself preoccupied with improvement.

They will try to drag you back into their toxicity by any means necessary because they need your energy to survive. But do your best to simply avoid the drama kings and queens.

After doing this for a month, come back and share your experiences in the comments. By then, I will have another mystical technique for success in the next post for New Month, New You.

Don’t forget to view other posts like this on this blog page and follow me on Instagram.

Disclaimer: This blog article is the opinion of the author. It should not take the place of professional advice.

Image of toxicity on a chalk board courtesy of 164570651 © Michalsuszycki |

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The photo of me on the left was back in 2019 at my son’s high school graduation. I was developing the ultimate mom bod. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy with how I looked on the outside or how I felt on the inside.

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