New Month, New You – What Is The Evil Eye and How Is it Negatively Impacting Your Life?

Suppose you are a happy-go-lucky person who suddenly starts experiencing a string of bad luck. No matter how positive you are, you keep feeling like there are some dark clouds surrounding you.

You may not be imagining things. You may have encountered someone who recently sent you the evil eye, and now your world is upside down. But what is the evil eye, and what does it do to you?

What is The Evil Eye

The evil eye is not a new phenomenon. This is something that goes back to ancient times.

As a matter of fact, ancient peoples such as the Assyrians, Ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Turkish, and more believed in this so much that they created amulets to ward off this bad energy.

People from these cultures and the world over still make these amulets.

This phenomenon, known as the evil eye, is when someone full of hatred or envy looks upon you and sends bad energy your way.

It could be intentional or non-intentional. But either way, it affects the receiver in a very negative way.

What May Happen If You’re a Victim of the Evil Eye

If you are under the influence of the evil eye, you may experience misfortune out of the blue. Here are some types of misfortune you may experience:

  • Depression
  • Sickness
  • Breakups
  • Problems with family
  • Injuries
  • Loss of money
  • Accidents
  • Fatigue
  • Death

Not all of these can be explained by the evil eye. But in some cases, you may be a victim of this curse, particularly if you are around people with bad energy and are jealous of others’ success, i.e., haters.

Ways To Protect Yourself From The Evil Eye

You may think, “Is there a way to protect myself from such curses?” Indeed, there are.

Keep in mind that just because weird things are happening, this doesn’t mean you are cursed by the evil eye. But it is still a good idea to load up on the protection when strange things start happening.


One of the best ways to protect yourself from curses is through prayer. This will be one of the best forms of protection. Additionally, you may want to start reading verses from your holy book.

Reading verses from your holy book will start to scatter some of this dark energy surrounding you.

Torah – Click the image above to purchase from Amazon.

Holy Bible – Click the image above to purchase from Amazon.

Quran – Click the Image to Purchase from Amazon


Another good option is to acquire a form of jewelry that has the evil eye symbol on it. You can get a necklace, a ring, or a bracelet that has the symbol to wear on your person at all times.

Or you can even get amulets you can hang on your wall or in your car.

Evil Eye Dream Catcher – Click the image above to purchase from Amazon.

Crystals and Gems

One more good way to chase away evil associated with the evil eye is to use a crystal or gem that can eliminate the energy of the evil eye. One such gemstone is the tiger’s eye. It can protect from all types of evil. A great crystal to use is black tourmaline.

One more great choice is amethyst which not only helps keep evil away but can also improve positivity in any circumstance.

Tiger’s Eye – Click the image above to purchase from Amazon.

Amethyst – Click the image above to purchase from Amazon.

Black Tourmaline – Click the image above to purchase from Amazon.

Incorporate one or a combination of these techniques for your protection this month. Then, come back and share your experiences in the comments. By then, I will have another mystical technique for success in the next post for New Month, New You.

Don’t forget to view other posts like this on this blog page and follow me on Instagram.

Image of evil eye amulet courtesy of 12604902 / Evil Eye © Mrtolc |

Video courtesy of Eve the Medium.

Site images courtesy of Amazon and Zales, affiliate partners.

Disclaimer: This blog article is the opinion of the author. It should not take the place of professional advice.

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