New Month, New You – Using Reiki to Balance Your Energy and Improve Manifesting

Back in the day, I used to think that reiki was some bogus stuff. I thought, “how can someone heal you and they are not even touching you.” This was before I realized that we all are not just flesh and blood walking around on earth.

We are big balls of energy wrapped in flesh and blood. And we don’t have to be touched to be healed.

Just Because You Don’t See Energy Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Affecting You

My lack of belief in energy would explain why I had so much drama in my life for years. An energy reader helped me realize that my energy was attracting crap into my life.

Let me make it clear to you: just because something is invisible doesn’t mean it isn’t affecting you. We have radio waves and all kinds of other invisible stuff around us daily. And guess what, they are affecting us.

After this energy worker told me my energy was messed up, I decided to give reiki a chance. For you all that don’t know what reiki is, it’s like a massage for your energetic fields.

A practitioner will use methods to get your unbridled aura and chakras aligned to help you improve your life.

Reiki Changed My Life

After my first session, my life started to change. I won’t say it got better immediately, however. Some bad things did transpire, but this is because I was no longer an energetic match for things around me.

Once I started to improve my energy, I faced setbacks. But, this was due to me adjusting to my energetic change.

My practitioner cleared the things that magnetized mediocre things into my life. Shortly after that, good things started to transpire.

Getting reiki is not a “one and done” thing. It’s just like exercise. You should be getting regular “tune-ups” to make sure that things are still going right with your energy.

Remember, since there are so many things that can mess up your chakras and aura, it is a good practice to get regular reiki sessions to clear bad energy.

If you are wondering about the power of reiki and you want to “try before you buy” I’ve found a few good practitioners that provide free videos on Youtube.

I share these below. However, I recommend that for even stronger results, you should find someone in your town who can perform these sessions for you.

Clearing Your Energy Fields Helps With Manifestation

If you have been having trouble with manifesting, then clearing your energy fields will start to change things. As I said above, things may go awry momentarily. However, keep in mind that this is because your energy is unleashing itself from the bad dark energy it is accustomed to.

Once the upheaval occurs, your energy will begin to balance and instead of attracting drama, you will be in better alignment with better things. This will put you on the road to manifesting what you truly want to happen rather than random, unfruitful experiences.


I encourage you to fix your energy this month. You may face difficulties at first but this is because your energy field has changed. Trust me, once the things that no longer serve you disappear, you will be happy.

After fixing your energy, come back and share what your experiences have been in the comments. By then, I will have another mystical technique for success in the next post for New Month, New You.

Don’t forget to view other posts like this on this blog page and follow me on Instagram.

My latest e-book, The Missing Link, is available. This e-book covers topics similar to those introduced in the “New Month, New You” blog, designed to help you get out of your rut and get on with your new life. For more details, click on the cover image below:

The Missing Link Book Cover

Practitioners that can help on Youtube:

Lourdes – Rest Relaxation and Reiki

Silver Hare – ASMR Reiki

Divine White Light

Disclaimer: This blog article is the opinion of the author. It is not meant to take the place of professional advice.

Image of lady receiving reiki courtesy of 39845293 © Monika Wisniewska |

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