New Month, New You – Visualizing Your Way To Your Desire

I often journal a lot. But I will admit, journaling comes easy to me. However, for some reason, visualizing isn’t as easy as journaling is for me.

I think that this is one of the greatest forms of resistance that I have when trying to manifest and perhaps, you experience such difficulty also.

If you will recall from the movie Secret, the lady in the movie makes the statement, “Money comes to you easily and frequently,” and she says it’s hard to accept this because your mind immediately perceives you are a liar.

I deal with this all the time. But I have been trying a few techniques lately, that I have learned from various Law of Attraction gurus. Perhaps these can help you if you also feel that you’re having trouble visualizing your way to your manifestation.

Stop Using “I Am” and Just Focus on the Thing

I know this may be hard to do because many self-help gurus tell you to use the words “I am” to bring things into your current reality.

A few months ago, I shared with you the book of the month called The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy, and he mentions that if you have resistance, drop the “I am.”

So, if you want your luxury home, riches, a new car, instead of saying you are in them or you have them, just mention the object itself. This creates a path of least resistance because your mind is just getting into the vibration of the thing without creating conflict because your mind can’t conceive it.

So instead of saying, I have $100,000, just focus on the $100,000 itself over and over. Or think about abundance or whatever it is that you want.

Use the Three Minute Unplug Technique

You may not remember this technique but I introduced the 3 minute unplug several months ago. With this technique, you take three minutes out of your busy schedule and just quiet your mind.

It’s like meditation but it’s a bit easier for those of us who have trouble meditating for long periods of time.

If you like, you can try to completely quiet the mind and aim to think about nothing. Or you can focus on the one thing you want for three minutes.

For instance, if you want a dream home, set a timer for three minutes each day and only visualize your dream home. How does it look? How does it smell inside? Where is it located? For three minutes, only think about that one thing you want badly and nothing else.

Visualize Being or Having What You Desire

This one is very difficult. I have been practicing this one for a while and I must admit that it is tough. The reason it is difficult is because how can you envision something that obviously isn’t right in front of you.

This is where belief, feeling, and imagination will have to fill in that void. You will have to focus on the outcome more and less on the process.

If you recall learning equations in school, you may recall a simple equation such as 15 + X = 40. We don’t know what X is but we have a known of 15 and a known of 40. In essence, the unknown is discovered by focusing on what’s known.

So in the case of manifestation, you know where you are and how you currently feel and you know where you want to be and how that will make you feel, you just don’t know how to get there.

The important thing is if you focus on the known, it will lead you to the unknown answer that the universe will provide.

In other words, if you are broke and unfulfilled but you want to feel wealthy and happy, then focus on solving the equation by getting from where you are to where you want to be. This is what I discuss in my Feeling It Now blog post.

Why Visualizing Is Important

If you want to get what you want, you have to get in alignment with the lifestyle you want. It’s difficult. Trust me, I know. But it’s almost like acting or playing a game of pretending.

If you want to live a certain lifestyle, start to “Act it Out.” If you want a career as a judge, don’t just study to be one. Instead, start acting like one. If you want to acquire your dream home, start visiting the neighborhood and frequenting shops and things in the neighborhood.

This will make you feel like you actually live there now.

For instance, if there is a car you want but you don’t think you can test drive it because it’s expensive and you don’t want pushy salespeople trying to sell it to you, see if you can find videos online that allow you to know what it feels like to drive in one.

The same with your dream home. If you know which home you want, look at videos or photos online. Try to visualize eating in one of those rooms or reading or sleeping.

No matter how silly it may seem, keep it to yourself and keep doing it until you manifest your desire.

Let’s start visualizing our way to success! Try this technique for a month. Then, come back and share your experiences in the comments. By then, I will have another mystical technique for success in the next post for New Month, New You.

Don’t forget to view other posts like this on this blog page and follow me on Instagram.

Image of people visualizing courtesy of 174240118 © Fizkes |

Disclaimer: This blog article is the opinion of the author. It should not take the place of professional advice.

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