New Month, New You – Journaling From the Vantage Point of the Future

Are you tired of setting goals that you don’t ever seem to achieve?  Have you been using the Law of Attraction but don’t seem to be manifesting results?

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, you can say that I’m the poster child for failing to manifest.  The Ask, Believe, and Receive technique seems to fizzle out on me somewhere between the Believe and Receive part.

For many years, I’ve had this problem until recently.  I was watching a YouTube video and the video covered the topic of “feeling” your way to manifestation.  It also alluded to Neville Goddard’s technique of acting how you would act if you actually had what you want.

Most refer to this tactic as “acting as if.”  I also watched a Youtube video on journaling in order to manifest.  For a few days, I watched these two videos interchangeably and something clicked in my head.

I admit, this tactic is hard to grasp so if you have to read this article over a few times until something clicks in your head like it did in mine, by all means please read the article again.

When it comes to journaling, most LOA advocates will tell you not to write goals in the future tense.

For instance, don’t write that “you will get a job promotion” because each time you write, read or repeat the affirmation aloud, you are affirming that the thing that you want is going to come to you someday in the future.

Most LOA advocates tell you to write your goals in the present tense to get a feeling of having the thing that you want now.  Don’t get me wrong, this is great advice but I will tell something that seemed to give my goals more traction than the current advice on the market.

This method includes Neville Goddard’s approach to “acting as if you have the thing that you want” which adds even more power to the manifestation.

My method of journaling and goal setting involves writing goals in the past tense.  Yes you read that right but I’m going to say it to you again.  Write your goals in the past tense!

I know you might be thinking that this is nuts and trust me your conscious and subconscious mind will think the same thing but let me break down why this works.

As you know, the subconscious mind is the servant and the conscious mind is the king/queen.  Whatever your conscious mind is receiving and processing in your brain, typically ends up being carried out by the subconscious mind.

If your consciousness is receiving messages constantly that you are poor, then guess what?  The subconscious is going to keep bringing you things to make you feel poor.  Likewise, if you want to be wealthy, you don’t keep “poor” messages pouring into your conscious mind.

You start to read, watch or listen to material in your conscious mind that makes your subconscious mind bring you “rich” reality.  For better understanding, some people refer to conscious mind as the lower self and the subconscious mind as the higher self or the “genie within.”

The subconscious mind is the part of you that gets in touch with the universal power and brings you your reality.  Think of the subconscious as the intercessor between you and God.

If your conscious mind is constantly dwelling on broke, then the subconscious is going to go tell God “hey this person likes being broke because they keep talking about it, watching it, and reading about it all the time.”  Then what happens.

God keeps sending you more broke.  The subconscious, or the higher self, is a loyal servant that doesn’t think or process.  It just delivers the experience that you are feeding it.

With this being said, now I will explain to you why writing goals in the past tense works well.  The conscious mind is telling the subconscious mind “I bought that new Mercedes that I want” or “I closed that $500,000 real estate deal that I was working on” or “I received that promotion that I was seeking at work.”

This message that you tell the subconscious will throw it completely off and as the loyal servant that it is, it will think that your king/queen conscious is completely delusional but this is part of the magic.

The subconscious must deliver so it’s going to go tell God “Hey, my conscious mind is crazy and seems to think that we already have a Mercedes.

I know that we don’t have a Mercedes but you are going to have to make this Mercedes appear before we both go crazy.  I’m just the servant; I have to deliver this so, can you make this happen?”

I’m exaggerating and adding a little humor but realistically, this is what is happening with the brain.

Conscious mind is saying it is done and subconscious mind is completely baffled by the goals that you have written and keep repeating to yourself; but, subconscious mind is in the business of delivering not questioning or analyzing.

So, yes, you will feel downright wacky when you try this method but in time, it works.  Why?  Because you are consciously tricking the subconscious to believe that you already have the thing you want.

Isn’t that a form of “acting as if” you already have something?

You are technically placing yourself in the future and speaking as if you have accomplished the thing that you want to arrive in the future.  You are no longer a wisher, but a chronicler recording your desires as if they are historical facts.

This minor paradigm shift, places your want behind you instead of in front of you.  I know that is a lot to take in but let me explain.  When you have a new car, do you still yearn for that new car you want?

I certainly hope that you don’t.  You are usually happy and satisfied so you no longer yearn for it.  You have to develop your goals in the same way.  Get rid of the feeling of desperation for some future act and instead look at your goal as if you have it.

If you doubt this technique, start with something achievable but uncertain.  This technique can be best implemented if you are a sales person but you don’t have to be in sales to try this.  Let me share one of my many experiences.

I sat down one day with my journal and I used Abraham Hicks 17 second rule to focus fiercely on what I wanted to achieve.  I was working in retail at the time and if you have ever worked in retail, you already know that selling store credit card accounts is the life blood of that world.

I usually achieved 0-1 credit accounts opened each shift and my ability to open accounts was never consistent each shift.  So, this time before my shift started, I grabbed my journal and wrote several times the amount of credits I wanted to open this shift.

I started with three because I wanted to test if this method would work.  I set my timer and I wrote, “I opened 3 credit card accounts today.”  I reset the timer and kept writing it until I felt that my subconscious would “follow my instructions.”  Guess what?  I got three accounts.

So, I got bolder the next time.  Mind you, I rarely am able to consistently do this each shift so deep down, my expectation was to make no credits at all.  But I pulled out my journal and wrote “I opened 5 credit card accounts today.”

Guess what?  I made 2 credits and I had about 45 minutes left on my 6 hour shift.  Panic set in.  I started to doubt the process.  But I had to reiterate to my subconscious mind:  “You opened 5 accounts.”

Now, of course, deep within, I felt there was absolutely no way that I was going to pull this off in 45 minutes but over the course of that next 45 minutes, this is what happened.

Four customers walked up to me ready to apply for credits.  I technically had 6 customers interested in applying for credit accounts during my shift; however, one customer didn’t have the criteria necessary to apply.  So I ended up with what – 5 credit applications.

Isn’t that creepy how that panned out?  When this miracle unfolded before my eyes I realized that the subconscious is, indeed, an obedient servant and will deliver as long as you believe and don’t give up.

I could have started to doubt the process but when doubt crept in; instead, I kept the faith and kept repeating to myself “I opened 5 accounts.”  And bada-bing bada-boom — it happened!

This wasn’t the only thing that this technique worked on for me; but, it was one of the quickest.  There were countless other things that I used this method on and received.

By the way, I’m still using this method because I absolutely believe that for those who are having a hard time manifesting, this is the method you can use to start to see results.

Start Your Journaling Process

So now, it’s your turn.  You are going to start to journal your way to a new life, starting today.  Go to the bookstore or shopping center and get a notebook or a really nice journal if you really want to immerse yourself in this experience.

Decide on one thing that you want to do this month that can realistically be done this month but is slightly uncertain.  In the future you can choose more challenging desires but for now, I want you to “test the waters” of this methodology.

As I said before, this method seems to work best when you work in sales because you can easily see results.  But, you don’t have to be a salesperson to accomplish this feat.

Each day, set aside time to do your journaling in a very focused manner with no TV, children crying, or spouses nagging.  Do this when you know that you will be completely undisturbed by outside influences.

Pick the one thing and write it in your journal as many times as you need to in order to feel as though it is real to you.  I usually write it about ten times but remember, this is about what you need to convince you.

If you need to write it 100 times to convince you or 5 times to convince you, then go ahead.

I received an extra $600.

I received an extra $600.

I received an extra $600.

I received an extra $600.

I received an extra $600.

I received an extra $600.

I received an extra $600.

I received an extra $600.

I received an extra $600.

I received an extra $600.

Notice the desire is in the past tense because you are speaking it into the universe as if it has already happened.  The subconscious will think your nuts, but it is OK because it will graciously go out into the world and find a way to get this desire to you because you are the king/queen and it is the faithful, dutiful servant.

You will set aside time to do this at least once a day.  However, if you want you can do it more often.  Remember, no desperate energy while saying it.

You are simply programming your subconscious.  You should be completely focused and faithful as you write it in your journal or say it to yourself because, it has already happened.

Each day after you say it, let it go.  Then things will start to happen to make this thing come into your life.

I can’t necessarily put a time stamp on the thing because it depends on what you are asking for and how completely faithful you are at obtaining it as to how long it may take to arrive.

One thing I can say is that clues will start to show up in your reality that the thing is coming your way.  These clues could come in the form of people talking about it, TV commercials advertising the thing,  someone else receiving a similar thing too, and so many other clues.

Be vigilant because these clues will help build faith.  Keep journaling until you have the thing and then once you achieved it you can do one of two things:  1) tear those pages out of the journal and move on to the next thing or 2) keep it there as a memento to build more faith in the future for other desires you are seeking.

I would suggest that you try to achieve a goal one at a time.  However, if there happens to be something that you think you can acquire faster than your first intended goal, then aim for that too.

I would say, don’t try to manifest no more than 3 things when first trying this method.

Try this method over the next thirty days in order to make it a habit. Then, come back and share what your experiences have been in the comments. By then, I will have another mystical technique for success in the next post for New Month, New You.

What are your thoughts on using this method?  Post a comment in the comment section.

Don’t forget to view other posts like this on this blog page and follow me on Instagram.

Image courtesy of category – Office Work © |

Disclaimer:  This blog article is the opinion of the author and is meant for entertainment purposes.  It is not meant to take the place of professional advice.  

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