New Month, New You – Ways People Can Interfere With Your Manifestation

Have you earnestly been trying to attract something, but you can’t seem to get it no matter how positive you are or how much journaling or affirmations you do?

Stop, take a moment, and think back to all the people who know about what it is that you are trying to manifest. A dream home, a new car, a better job – who have you been sharing these dreams with?

If you are having trouble manifesting them, the culprit could be the person you’re telling your dreams to.

When it comes to manifesting, you have to be very careful about who you talk to about what you want to achieve. If they don’t have your best interest at heart, they could be energetically holding up your manifestations.

Sometimes You Have To Keep Manifestations Secret

As people, we always want to share our good news with other people, especially friends and family. However, sometimes sharing your good news with others could result in some of the biggest knives aimed at you.

Not everyone wants to see you get your manifestation because this could lead to an end in a relationship with them.

For instance, your good fortune may cause you to be much more popular than you have ever been.

If you have a friend who has always been the popular one, this may be a threat to their stance in your relationship.

Unfortunately, this person may not be happy about what you are trying to gain. If you are telling this person what you are trying to manifest, they may wish ill on you, send you the evil eye, or gossip about you.

This person could be a close friend, a colleague, or a family member.

The moral of the story: keep what you’re manifesting to yourself, no matter how cool you think a person may be. Not everyone needs to know what you are working on.

How These People Are Affecting Your Manifestation

We can look at people’s expressions and exteriors, but we can’t see what’s inside of people. A person may smile for you but secretly hate that you’re doing better than them.

If your manifestations start getting delayed or totally disappear, you can count on the fact that someone may be cursing you somehow. It could be through gossip, it could be through the evil eye, it could be through outright speaking badly about your name.

Another more devious way that someone could be wishing ill will on you or discouraging you is by “sneak dissing” you. These people laugh at what you’re trying to accomplish and make it into a joke.

Let’s say you’ve always been a person who worked in retail or a warehouse worker, and you decide you want to be a business leader or entrepreneur. A friend or family may sneak diss you by making you seem like a fool for wanting to level up.

You may have to keep such people at bay or totally eliminate them from your circle. As you level up, you will have to part ways with people who can’t grow with you to the next level.

Otherwise, they will keep you down with insults and other shady behavior.

How to Recognize the People Who Are Against You

Sometimes, you can’t always determine who your secret enemies are. So you will have to rely on techniques to help you see your way out of these relationships that are no longer serving you.

Here are some ways to recognize your enemies that are hidden in plain sight.

  • Pray for discernment
  • Listen to their words. Are they supportive or insulting double-talk?
  • Check for the confusion that others stir up around you.
  • Use crystals that help fight low vibration, such as black tourmaline or selenite.
  • Use sage to clear away bad energy.
  • Burn incense, essential oils, or candles to help remove bad vibes.
  • Back away from the people in question to get a better view of the situation.

Not everyone will be working against you. So, you shouldn’t develop an attitude that everyone is your enemy.

Sometimes manifestations may take some time because you, yourself, are holding on to toxic beliefs that are preventing your growth. However, always be on high alert about how people around you may be jealous of your glow-up. This may especially be true in a toxic workplace.

Image of friend/bully courtesy of Photo 57913942 | People Screaming © Kiosea39 |

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The photo of me on the left was back in 2019 at my son’s high school graduation. I was developing the ultimate mom bod. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy with how I looked on the outside or how I felt on the inside.

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