Benefits of Drinking Green Tea From Adagio Teas

Do you drink green tea? Some of you may be thinking, “No but I heard about it” or “What the heck is that?” or “Is the tea really green?”

Well, whatever your reaction is to this question, my response is, I drink it regularly and I’m glad that I started doing so.

I used to be a huge fan of drinking fruit juices. I thought that drinking fruit juice would give me the “fruit” intake that I needed.

Unfortunately, I discovered that fruit juices can be a terrible thing to drink. Don’t get me wrong, there are worse things out here to drink but I was equating fruit juice with health and that’s dangerous thinking.

There is far too much sugar and other unnatural ingredients in most of them on the market. Occasionally I do drink juices from health food stores, however. These seem to have less sugar in them.

Over the past few months, I have really started drinking tea much more, especially since I have been doing affiliate marketing. I am falling in love not only with the flavor of tea but the effects of tea drinking.

It doesn’t seem to give me as much brain fog as drinking coffee did and I feel much more relaxed when drinking certain teas like those that contain chamomile.

Trust me when I tell you I was addicted to coffee but I’m so glad I’ve curbed that addiction. I won’t go into that conversation because I can go on for paragraphs talking about how much I love coffee!

Anyway, I have recently teamed up with Adagio teas and they sell a myriad of teas. One of my favorites, of course, is green tea. They have various types and I will do my best to try to explain them below.

Regular Green Tea

The reason I started drinking this type of tea more is because it is a healthier alternative to all the other things I was drinking. This article about green tea by Healthline goes into more detail about why green tea is so awesome.

Adagio teas have various different types of green teas but one that I like is the portions sampler which allows you to get samples of a variety of different green teas they sell. This will allow you to determine which tastes best to you before investing in one specific type.

Macha Green Tea

I gave this type of tea a try a few months ago and I must say that I was not fond of the flavor. It has an earthy flavor that is drastically different from the regular kind. This is one of those things that I will have to train my taste buds to like because I have read that there are some great health benefits to drinking matcha green tea.

Adagio Teas also sells matcha green tea. They sell them as a mix with other flavors which tells me that they probably realize that it is hard on the palate. This tea comes in a powder form which is much more different than traditional green tea.

Are you ready to give this tea and their other teas a chance? To learn more about Adagio Teas and to let them know I referred you, click the button below.

Buy it now button courtesy of Photo 41800860 / Buy Now © Thiagiruiz |

Image of green tea courtesy of 16016401 © Triksisky |

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This blog article is the opinion of the author. It is not meant to take the place of professional advice.

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