You Probably Didn’t Know That Charcoal Can Do This, Too

When you think of charcoal, you probably think about those briquettes you use to fire up a barbecue pit and cook some delicious meats and veggies for entertaining. Although both are in the same family because they are both derived from carbon-rich organic materials, they are not the same thing. Briquettes are good for making tasty barbecue while activated charcoal is good for the skin and other bodily functions. So please don’t go using charcoal briquettes on your body. Instead, opt for products with activated charcoal in them.

What Charcoal Does

According to skin experts, charcoal can remove impurities from your skin, control oiliness, and minimize acne outbreaks. It isn’t only good for the skin, however. Research shows that these are other benefits of charcoal:

  • Improves kidney function
  • Reduces flatulence (gas)
  • Helps remove toxins from water
  • Makes teeth whiter
  • Controls armpit odor
More on Charcoal Soap From Apple Valley Natural Soap

If you are prone to getting acne, charcoal soap may be for you. It pulls out a lot of harmful impurities from your face. I personally don’t have problems with acne but one problem I have with my face is excessive dryness. Since I’ve been using their product, it doesn’t dry my face out as much as other facial cleaners and it doesn’t seem to leave that sticky residue that most soaps tend to leave behind. As a result, the pores on my face feel nice and aerated after using their soap.

I have partnered with Apple Valley Natural Soap to share info about their natural and organic body soaps, face soaps, and shampoos. They also have a variety of skincare products for men and women. If you have skin sensitivities or prefer to use environmentally friendly products, try one of Apple Valley Natural Soap’s vegan or gluten-free soaps. Check out their lineup of soaps by clicking the button below to let them know I referred you.

Marketing image courtesy of Apple Valley Natural Soap.

Image courtesy of Photo 158916475 / Charcoal © Kanokwan Khamenngan |

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This blog article is the opinion of the author. It is not meant to take the place of professional advice.

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The photo of me on the left was back in 2019 at my son’s high school graduation. I was developing the ultimate mom bod. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy with how I looked on the outside or how I felt on the inside.

At the start of this blog in 2020, I was determined to start my journey to self-improvement. As I wrote articles to encourage you on your journey, I was also working on myself.

Along with exercise and many of the affiliate products I promote on this site, I’ve been on my transformation since then. The photo on the right is a recent one. I still have a while to go to meet my goals, but I’m getting closer each day.

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***I must disclose that I have a monetary arrangement with these affiliates and make money from promoting affiliate products. I get credit for referring you to the products on this blog. Please take a moment to click the images and links to the products I have included so that upon purchasing your products, it alerts my affiliates that I am the one who referred you. Also, don’t forget to ACCEPT cookies. I appreciate your support and hope these products enhance your life.***